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What is assisted living?

There are different forms of assisted living; people can either live by themselves with support or share an ordinary or purpose built home with a small number of other disabled people. Each person normally has their own bedroom.

The rest of the property is communal space and normally this will include at least a lounge, kitchen and dining area. There may be additional facilities like a sensory room, laundry, staff sleep-in room and some schemes will for example have ‘en suite’ bathrooms rather than a shared bathroom.

There will be an established and funded level of staff support, from visiting to 24-hour presence. Some supported housing provision is based purely on support with no personal care required.

People have their own individual tenancies, and if they don’t work, Housing Benefit will normally cover the costs of their rent. There may also be other funding arrangements in place. Tenants will also have access to a range of other benefits and will be able to choose how they spend them

How do I access assisted living?

Assisted living is a specialist housing provision for people with a range of needs, including people with a learning disability. Anyone with a learning disability wanting to live in assisted living will normally have been assessed by their local social care department as needing this form of housing arrangement. Local authorities will often have some preferred providers of supported housing, but individuals can also contact providers directly to see whether they can help. 

How much will I need to pay for my care needs?

We will be happy to speak to you to explain fees and funding in more detail; Generally, you can manage your own budget by paying privately or alternatively, you can apply for funding assistance to Social Services.

How are Sherbutt Home care staff recruited?

All of our carers are thoroughly screened and interviewed. We complete a minimum of two reference checks on each carer and thorough DBS checks are made.

I wont be able to get to the door to let my carers in. What should I do?

The simplest way to solve this is to have a Key safe fitted to the outside of your property. Your carers will then need to be told the combination code.

Will I have the same carer every day?

You will be assigned a team of carers that fit your needs. You’ll soon get to know regular faces and many clients tell us how they really get to know their care team. If a carer is sick or on holiday then another fully trained carer will be sent in their place.

Is care in my own home the right thing to do?

There are many options available to you and you can learn more by talking to your local authority or trusted organisations. We would also be happy to talk through your options with you. Generally, if you wish to retain your independence in later life then care in your own home could be just the ticket. You could start off with help just half an hour a day or a short visit a couple of days a week and as your needs change, so can the level of care. The important thing to remember is that Sherbutt Home Care will work with you to tailor a programme that is right for YOU, and the programme can change.

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